
preparations, take 2.

Countdown to Ireland: 2 days

I may actually be counting wrong, but what the hell, if it lights a fire under my ass and gets me going, I'm fine lying to myself.

Yesterday I sat down and I read all about Preparing to Study Abroad.  It's this little booklet that Butler sent us months ago, which I didn't read and proceeded to lose, which isn't online, and is apparently super important.  It really should be online, but the good news is that we found it and I read it.  I'm not as nervous anymore.  They told me things that would be problems that I force onto myself at Oberlin anyway.  Like, for example, that my Irish professors probably won't be as accessible or willing to help out in a pinch.  Okay, so I'll admit that I'm was kind of an extension junkie last year, but I didn't ask for any this semester!  And I never (if I can help it) visit a professor's office hours, so I think I'll be okay on that front.  I'm much better working individually, independently anyway.

And another problem that was mentioned was drinking killing your budget.  Well, I don't plan on drinking myself silly.  I'm not going to slam any doors and say I won't have a few beers while I'm over there... although, I'll probably just have sips of friends' stuff, because, let's get real, I could never finish a beer even if I wanted to.  They just don't taste very good, and I'm something of a five-year-old when things don't taste very good.

Since I'm not you're typical college student, they didn't really call problems what my problems will be.  Like, for instance, the fact that Irish students study during the day and socialize at night.  I'm fine studying during the day, because, well, I sleep at night.  I'm worried that it'll be like Oberlin, except worse, when it comes to my sleep schedule alienating me from the rest of the group.  Errgh how frustrating!

Apparently, I'll get to do a homestay for a few days, too, which will be really nice.  I think that's the best way to experience a culture, and maybe I won't be as nervous if I don't have to speak German, you know?  I won't have to rely as much on the point-and-go method, and when I meet people, I won't have to apologize about my language skills for the millionth time... Hopefully the homestay is something I'll really be able to take away from and have a contact in Ireland afterwards!

Okay, mom wants me to start limiting my Internet time (understandably) so that I have more time to pack.  On the agenda today is:

Packing (or at least gathering)
Skating from 6pm-8:45pm or 1:30-2:45pm, whichever happens to be most convenient
Haircut @ 12:45pm
Buying books to read on the plane
Buy a camera
Narnia w/ Amy & Co

Let's do this thinggggg!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sleep is good. Get sleep over there. Or I'm going to have to make a mid-semester, cross-Atlantic trip to bother you about it.
